Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Aquaria KLCC

An AQUARIUM KLCC is one of the most amazing places for all the people in Malaysia. It’s one of the first choices for people who are coming to Malaysia as tourism. I have been there so many times because it’s one of the best places to visit and enjoying by watching the fishes. Also, aquaria KLCC has been awarded so many times and the design of the aquaria is really nice. Even, there is a section in aquaria which is like a aquaria tunnel and you can walk in there and see all the fishes which are crossing from top of your head and it’s really awesome. You can find majority kind of animals like: Hammerhead Shark, a Great White Shark, a Barracuda, an Ocean Sunfish and an Anglerfish. However, you can learn about the ocean-life by yourself and by watching the fishes, there are Audio and Visual programs which are about the ocean-life and they are so useful for your knowledge.

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